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Orange Romania S.A.













Popular places and events near this IP address

  • Kolozs County

    Kolozs County

    Distance: Approx. 38 meters

    Latitude and longitude: 46.76666667,23.6

    Kolozs County was an administrative county (comitatus) of the Kingdom of Hungary, of the Eastern Hungarian Kingdom and of the Principality of Transylvania. Its territory is now in north-western Romania (north-western Transylvania). The capital of the county was Kolozsvár (present-day Cluj-Napoca).

  • Capitoline Wolf Statue, Cluj-Napoca

    Capitoline Wolf Statue, Cluj-Napoca

    Statue in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

    Distance: Approx. 646 meters

    Latitude and longitude: 46.76944444,23.59222222

    The Capitoline Wolf Statue (Romanian: Statuia Lupoaicei) in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, is located on Eroilor Boulevard, in the city centre on the banks of the Someșul Mic River.

  • Dormition of the Theotokos Cathedral, Cluj-Napoca

    Dormition of the Theotokos Cathedral, Cluj-Napoca

    Distance: Approx. 627 meters

    Latitude and longitude: 46.77197,23.59604

    The Dormition of the Theotokos Cathedral (Romanian: Catedrala Adormirea Maicii Domnului) is the most famous Romanian Orthodox church of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Built in a Romanian Brâncovenesc style, a synthesis of Renaissance and Byzantine architecture, it lies on the Avram Iancu Square, together with the Cluj-Napoca National Theatre and the Avram Iancu Statue. The cathedral is the seat of the Metropolitan of Cluj, Alba, Crișana and Maramureș.

  • Romanian National Opera, Cluj-Napoca

    Romanian National Opera, Cluj-Napoca

    Distance: Approx. 391 meters

    Latitude and longitude: 46.7701,23.5975

    The Romanian National Opera, Cluj-Napoca (Romanian: Opera Națională Română din Cluj-Napoca) is one of the national opera and ballet companies of Romania. The Opera shares the same building with the National Theatre in Cluj-Napoca.

  • Cluj-Napoca National Theatre

    Cluj-Napoca National Theatre

    Distance: Approx. 435 meters

    Latitude and longitude: 46.7704,23.59709

    The Lucian Blaga National Theatre (Romanian: Teatrul Național Lucian Blaga) is in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, sharing its building with the Romanian Opera.

  • Cluj-Napoca Tailors' Bastion

    Cluj-Napoca Tailors' Bastion

    Distance: Approx. 235 meters

    Latitude and longitude: 46.76808,23.59725

    The Cluj-Napoca Tailors' Tower (Romanian: Bastionul Croitorilor din Cluj-Napoca, Hungarian: Szabók bástyája) is located at the southeast corner of the old Cluj-Napoca citadel. It was built in the 15th century and rebuilt between 1627 and 1629, assuming its present form. It was named after the Tailors' Guild, who took care of and guarded this part of the city.

  • Transfiguration Cathedral, Cluj-Napoca

    Transfiguration Cathedral, Cluj-Napoca

    Distance: Approx. 607 meters

    Latitude and longitude: 46.76944444,23.59277778

    The Transfiguration Cathedral (Romanian: Catedrala Schimbarea la Faţă), also known as the Minorites' Church (Romanian: Biserica Minoriţilor, Hungarian: Kolozsvári minorita templom), was donated in 1924 by the Holy See to the Romanian Greek-Catholic Church to serve as the Cathedral of the Cluj-Gherla Eparchy, after the move of the Eparchy's center from Gherla to Cluj.

  • Gheorghe Dima National Music Academy

    Gheorghe Dima National Music Academy

    Distance: Approx. 542 meters

    Latitude and longitude: 46.76873,23.593262

    Gheorghe Dima National Music Academy is an educational institution located in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The institution was founded in 1919, and currently comprises various departments including composition, conducting, musicology, musical pedagogy, canto, choreographic pedagogy, and opera. Notable alumni include Alexandru Agache, Christian Wilhelm Berger, Gheorghe Ciobanu, Boldizsár Csiky, Anita Hartig, György Ligeti, Mariana Nicolesco, Tiberiu Olah, Sigismund Toduță, and Adela Zaharia.

  • Avram Iancu Square, Cluj-Napoca

    Square in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

    Distance: Approx. 592 meters

    Latitude and longitude: 46.77171,23.5963

    Avram Iancu Square (named after the Transylvanian Romanian lawyer and revolutionary Avram Iancu) is a central plaza in the Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca. It is connected to the Unirii Square through the Eroilor and "21 Decembrie 1989" avenues. It is also connected to Mihai Viteazul Square through Cuza Vodă Street.

  • Palace of Justice, Cluj-Napoca

    Palace of Justice, Cluj-Napoca

    Distance: Approx. 428 meters

    Latitude and longitude: 46.77074,23.59862

    The Palace of Justice in Cluj-Napoca, on Dorobanţilor Street, no.2, is an eclectic structure, built between 1898 and 1902, after the plans of the association Epitotarsasag, Kotsis, Smiel, Fodor es Reisinger. The Palace, with a total area of 19,950 m2 (214,700 sq ft), was projected by the architect Gyula Wagner. The quadrilateral building, with its 13 inner yards is a part of the ensemble in Avram Iancu Square, together with the Romanian Opera, the CFR Palace, the Palace of the Prefecture, the Palace of Finance and the Palace of the Orthodox Metropolis.

  • Academic College (Cluj-Napoca)

    Academic College (Cluj-Napoca)

    Distance: Approx. 570 meters

    Latitude and longitude: 46.76769444,23.5925

    The Academic College (Romanian: Colegiul Academic) is an Art Deco building in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, belonging to Babeș-Bolyai University and located on M. Kogălniceanu Street.

  • Farkas Street Theatre

    Farkas Street Theatre

    Distance: Approx. 567 meters

    Latitude and longitude: 46.76768972,23.59253479

    Farkas Street Theatre was a theatre in Kolozsvár in Hungary (now Cluj-Napoca, Romania), founded in 1821 and closed in 1906. It is known as the first permanent theatre building in Hungary, and played a pioneering role in the development of the professional theatre in Hungary. It also played a pioneering role in Hungarian Opera, and was an opera house in 1887–1896.

Weather in this IP's area

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Current Weather

clear sky

Current Temperature

28 Celsius

Feeling temperature

28 Celsius

lowest temperature

26 Celsius

Maximum temperature

28 Celsius

Atmospheric pressure

1018 hPa


51 %

Sea level pressure

1018 hPa

Surface atmospheric pressure

977 hPa


10000 meters

Wind speed

1.54 m/s

wind direction

80 degree

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Further Reading